Bohemian and Moravian Society for Postal History


The Bohemian and Moravian Society for Postal History (CMSPH - BMSHP) unites collectors of postal history from the stampless period up to the modern time. The subjects of study of the members of our society are e.g. history of individual post offices, postmarks, censorship markings, postal labels, TPOs, postal forms, postal routes, etc.

The society has also two collective of members: the study group of the field post collectors and the society for postal history of the eastern bohemian region.

The newsletter Postilion publishes results of study of the members and serves also for the contact between the members. The newsletter appears since 1986 and is free for members. Twice in the year there are meetings of the Society in order to promote personal contact and exchange.

Postal history has its place in the Czech organized philately since the 60's of the 20th century. In 1962, the Commission for Philatelic Special Fields was founded, which established new collecting areas, brought first articles about postal history to the philatelic press and opened the postal history collectors to national and international stamp exhibitions.

Result of the rising interest in postal history and impulse to its further development within the Union of Czechoslovak Philatelists became the successful philatelic exhibition ”National exhibition of the special fields in philately” held in Pisek in 1972. The rising popularity of postal history collecting led not only to the rise of the number of members and exhibits, but also to further specialization and to the emergence of new areas of postal history collecting, followed by the establishment of new study groups, e.g. on the areas of registration labels, meter stamps or postal mechanization and automation.

The further development showed the necessity for a uniform guidance, which would coordinate the individual areas of postal history, and therefore in 1986, the Commission for Postal History and Stationery was established within the Union of Czechoslovak Philatelists. In 1990 this commission was replaced by the Bohemian and Moravian Society for Postal History, which became an important part of the Union of Czech Philatelists.


Management of the BMSPH / CMSPH :


Membership :

The current BMSPH / CMSPH annual membership dues amount to both Czech and foreign members to CZK 120,- (approx USD 5)

The members receive 4 issues of our Postilion bulletin yearly (costs of its publishing and surface delivery are included in the above membership dues). The bulletin in Czech language consists of articles dealing with various postal historian themes and specialized enclosures "Postal Automation", "Contract Post Offices", "Field Post" and "Postal Cancels".

The members can participate in the half yearly meetings containing speeches of advanced members, discussions and exchange of philatelic material.

We will be pleased to invite you to become member of our Society. Click here for an application form.


Organizations closely co-operating with BMSPH :




Postal History Literature :